Privacy / Policy

Sind Sie es leid, unzählige Stunden mit dem Recherchieren und Schreiben von Hausarbeiten zu verbringen? Nun, wissen Sie was? Das müssen Sie nicht mehr! Mit dem fantastischen Service, Hausarbeiten für hausarbeit ghostwriting Sie schreiben zu lassen, wird all Ihr akademischer Stress im Handumdrehen verschwinden! Stellen Sie sich die Freiheit vor, dass sich jemand anderes um Ihre Aufgaben kümmert, während Sie sich auf andere wichtige Aspekte Ihres Lebens konzentrieren.

Privacy Disclaimer

In compliance with Legislative Decree no. 196 dtd 30th June 2003 (Personal Data Protection Code) and subsequent amendments, this site, Dailycatessen B.V., respects and protects the privacy of visitors and users.


Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy only applies to the online activities of this site and is valid for visitors / users of the site itself. It does not apply to information collected through channels other than this web site. In compliance with the obligations arising out of national and Community legislation on the protection of personal data, this site respects and protects the privacy of visitors and users.


By using or consulting this site, visitors and users explicitly endorse this privacy policy and consent to the use of their personal information in relation to the terms and purposes described below.


Collected data and purpose
As all websites, also Dailycatessen B.V. makes use of log files where automated information is retained during user visits. The collected information may be the following ones:

internet protocol address (IP) ;
browser type and device parameters used to connect to the site;
name of internet service provider (ISP);
date and time of visit;
referral and exit web site;
possibly the number of clicks.

The above information is processed in an automated form and collected in aggregate form only in order to verify the correct functioning of the site.

None of this information is related to the physical-user of Dailycatessen B.V., and does not allow to identify them in any way .

For security purposes (spam filters, firewalls, virus detection), automatically recorded data may also include personal data such as Ip address, which could be used in accordance with applicable laws in order to block attempts to corrupt site or harm other users, or in any case, harmful activities or offenses. Such data is never used for identifying or profiling the user, but justo protect the site and its users.

If Dailycatessen B.V. allows the user to enter comments, or if yothe user has specific services requests, the site will automatically detect and record some user identification data, including mail address. These data are voluntarily provided by the user at the time of delivery of the service.
By posting a comment or other information, the user expressly accepts privacy information, and in particular, agrees that the content he submits may also be freely distributed to third parties.

The received data will only be used for the supply of the requested service and for the necessary time for the service provision.

The information that Dailycatessen B.V. users will consider to be made public through the services and the tools provided to them, are provided by the user consciously and voluntarily, exempting this site from any liability for any breach of the law. It is up to the user to verify having permission to enter third-party personal data or contents protected by national and international rules.

Data collected by Dailycatessen B.V. during its operation is used exclusively for the above purposes and kept for the time that is strictly necessary to carry out the specified activities. In any case, the data recorded on the site will never be provided to third parties for any reason, unless it is legitimate to be requested by the judicial authority and only in the cases provided for by law.

The data that are collected from the site are handled at the head office of the Treatment Holder.


Das Verfassen einer Masterarbeit ist eine wichtige Aufgabe für Studierende, die ihren Masterabschluss anstreben. Sie ist ein abschließendes Projekt, mit dem sie ihre Forschungsfähigkeiten und ghostwriter masterarbeit ihre Fähigkeit, einen Beitrag zu ihrem Studienfach zu leisten, unter Beweis stellen. Das Verfassen einer Masterarbeit erfordert eine sorgfältige Planung, umfangreiche Recherchen und eine effektive Kommunikation.